Again no post for ages, sorry for that. Anyhow Ive been spending alot of time dablling with 40K. Im toying with a few idea's for a nice themed list with alot of modeling potential. Something I can realy get my teeth into. My current choices are a Winged Tyranids force and Harlequin Eldar. Ive had a few try outs with a winged Nid's force. Here's what Ive been running.
[270]Hive Tyrant - TL Devourer, Sword n whip, Wings, Old adversary
[100]Hiveguard x2
[100]Hiveguard x2
[200]Tervigon - Cluster spines, Toxin, Catalyst, Onslaught
[200]Tervigon - Cluster spines, Toxin, Catalyst, Onslaught
[65]Termigants x13
[65]Termigants x13
[170]Harpy - Cluster Spine, TL HVC
[170]Harpy - Cluster Spine, TL HVC
[160]Gargoyles 20 - Toxin, Glands
[240]Trygon Prime - adrenal glands
[240]Trygon Prime - adrenal glands
Total 2000
I played against a mates Chaos Marines, and tbh I got my ass handed to me. Both harpys and my hive tyant were dead end of turn 2, mostly because I left them out in the open. Leaving me pretty much playing 1000 pts Vs 1500 pts. The Gargoyles did awesome and killed a Daemon prince that charged them. Termigants did great too sticking about and holding up units in combat. At one point I had 8 fearless checks of 6+ to make, with only 4 gants left I thought they were toast. I managed 6 6's only killing 2!! Even more amazingly, twice they were out of synapse and had lost combat, and twice they got double 1's for the LD check!! Finn was spitting feathers at my jammy dice rolls! Anyhow I forfited on turn 5 as I only had 2 dryed up Tervigons left and he had all the objectives covered.
Initial thoughts on the list were I need to abuse cover more. Specialy for the MC's. Ive another game today with this list, and my first trial with the Harlequins. I'll report how that goes later.
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