Thursday, August 19, 2010

WAlter Done!


My War Alter. Prolly one of the uglyer models GW do. But I dont have time to convert one. CCPP's inc (thats crappy camera phone pictures)

The gap beneth the skull is for the Warrior Priest, when he's finished. Anyhow, back to it! Im getting there.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Lots to do!

Dont you hate it, you think your pretty much set. Nearly all complete, ready to roll. Then you remember something you havent done, so you get cracking at it.  You then remember something else, or that first thing actualy turns out to be a major job, and the next thing you know, you doubt you'll be done for the deadline. That was me this morning.

Let me explain, as you may or may no know, I'm attending A Gathering of Might  this up comming bankholiday weekend. Six games of Warhammer over two days at 1500 points. Not is this my first real tournament, all the other I've attened have ben run by mates mostly for fun, but its my first 8th Ed tournament too.

Anyhow Friday gone I was taking stock, so to speak, of whats been done and all looked well. I had to finish painting about 20 Swordsmen and do the 4 characters. Easy for the 2 weeks I have left. So I spent the weekend playing Warhammer Online and generaly enjoying the weather. Last night, when I took another look I realised there was so much more to do. Glancing at the completed Swordsmen I noticed I hadnt done there shields. Fair enough I though. Its not that hard to paint 40 or so shields. Then I noticed I hadnt based them or infact any of the models I was taking, they all needed magnetising too. So now Im thinking there arnt enough hours in the day. So far I have to..
  • Fully paint 20 Swordsmen
  • Detail 20 Hangunners
  • Paint 4 Characters
  • Paint 2 horse's and finish the WAlter.
  • Base 62 models
  • Magnetise 60 Models
All in 2 weeks..... bugger. 

So have you guys ever done something like this? Whats the odds on me being done in time you think?

Right Ive lots to do, better get cracking. Piccys as 'n' when

Friday, August 06, 2010

Work In Progress

So heres my Steam Tank. She's nearly done, so you'll have to wait for a good photo with the final thing.

So.... the Steam Tank. Got some love with 8th, T10 is quiet scarey. It also took a kicking with its imunity to almost all magic being removed. I personaly still rate it, but not for what it did in 7th. In 8th this is a massive 300 point unbreakable unit that you'll only ever wound on a 6. It will tie up the most killy of units for many a turn.... and when it finaly does start to die, you can heal it right back up again.

Thursday, August 05, 2010

A Gathering of Empire

So I'm off work for a while after having surgery on my leg, and have decided to get my Empire force fit and ready for A Gathering of Might at the end of the month.
Its a 1500pts 8th Ed warhammer tournament with 6 games over 2 days. One of each of the scenarios from the BRB.  A word of warning first though, these will not be up to my usual standard as im trying to get the whole army done in little time, that and I'm on some realy good painkillers!

Heres the first part, 3 canon crew.  More to follow!