So Im getting more practise for the 40K Yorkshire open heats. Same 1800 point list, new opponent.
Sisters of Battle. 1 Objective a piece, line up and kill each other. Nothing of note realy, well except he had the worst case of luck. Constantly rolling 1's when wounding, and 5 and 6's for LD checks. The game just fell apart for him. Score 1 more win! One thing however stood out from the battle.
My wyches charged a Penitant Engine, fully expecting to die. I have never played against them before, and there's no harm trying stuff out. Sixes to hit as usual, with Haywire grenades. Scoring 3 hits, a pen and 2 glance. Imbolising it. He fluffed his attacks back, next round I was hitting on 4's. Scoring another 3 pens and killing it. Perfect timing for a follow up charge on a unit of sisters close by. Couldnt have gone any smoother.
On a slight tangent. The Duke is by far one of the best characters in the game in my opption. Im running him in a 20 strong unit of warriors that, when rapid fireing, gets 48 shots hitting on 3's wounding on 3s and 2 other blasters shots, usualy wounding on 2s at AP2. Thats alot of saves to make. At one point he had to take 18 saves on a unit of 7 sisters. That was with a poor set of rolls to wound from me aswell.
Results:- 6 wins, 2 drawn, 2 losses. Next game I'll do a full report.
X-Wing: Here Comes IG-88!
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