Sunday, April 18, 2010

First Skaven battle - 750pts

So I had my first true Skaven battle today. My 'mighty' forces took on a rather large, for the points, Empire force.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Some of my work

Just realised I havent actualy post any photo's of my work. So heres my last attempt at painting something to a decent standard. This was done back in December for the Librarium Online forums a Secret Santa style mini exchange. I know the person who recived it loved it, its just a pitty I never actualy recieved mine.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Making a list.

Well, I have had the book for a few days now, and I'll be thruthful. I haven't read it through. I have however done what everyone does with a new toy, and gone to the 'best bits'.

So using a little program called Armybuilder. I've come up with a fairly decent (I think) 750pt list for an escalation type campaign currently taking place down at my LGC.

750pts Skaven.

Plague Priest - lvl 2, Flail, Plague Furnace
Warlock Engineer -  lvl 2, Doomrocket, Warplock pistol
Plague Monks x20 - FC
Clanrats x20 - FC, Shields
Slaves x20 - Mus

So thoughts? Also when you get a new book, which bit do you flick to and read first? Do you read all the fluff or only ever read the back 15 or so pages?

Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Under-Empire

So its decided. Ive gone with the Children of the Horned Rat, the populace of the Under-Empire. Skaven.

Works already begun on geting the swarm ready for battle. More updates soon.

Friday, April 09, 2010

Welcome one and all!

Well, I've finaly done it. I've gone and started a blog.  Now before I start rambling on, I will introduce myself.

Ive been playing tabletop games for a little over 3 years, and..... well,  thats the problem. Ive been playing for 3 years. I have multiple armys for multiple games, and I can count the number of fully painted units I have on 1 hand. Now I actualy enjoy painting, and I dont think Im too shabby either. So Im hoping this blog will encourage me to produce some nice looking units and eventualy armys. Of course I would love any coments on the minis or even any tips you may have to help me.

Anyhow back on track, tomorrows a big day for me. Im going out and buying what will be my new Warhammer army. This will of course be the main focus of this blog for a while, boy's and their toys n all that. Which army that will be is still up in the air, as you'll soon find out I'm a very fickle person, but its a toss up between Skaven and Tomb Kings. Who knows what tomorrow will bring....