Tuesday, December 28, 2010

How was your christmas?

Well I hope you all had a great christmas. I personaly got spoilt with alot of geekery.

So with my first bit of  free time since the 23rd I did this. Twice.

thats a fully magnetic Ravager with Darklances and removable sail for ease of transport / imbolised status. Only need a few more Wych boxes and Im ready for the YoTs.... well after painting everything.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Starting on the Bloodletters

Decided to paint something simple today. Getting myself warmed up for a large project over the christmas break.

So thats work started. The bases are done, well except for the 'blood'. The skins pretty much finished too.  Should see these finished over the next few days or so. Tomorrows a big Apoc game at my LGC. So I very much doubt I'll get to finish them then.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Realspace Raids 4 & 5 - A learning curve!

I did a whoopsie again. Its been nearly 2 weeks since I played these games and I totaly forgot to post them.  Due to that fact.... Ive also pretty much forgotten what happened in either..... Sorry.

Both games were against a regular 40K player. He brought a competative Wolves list, 1800 points. The idea being it was practise for the Yorkshire Opens around the end of January.  I learnt alot from these 2 games! It also helped me to decide on my final list, and made me decide Im going to enter the YoT aswell.

Like I said, Ive forgotten what happened. The first game was killpoints and all I can remember is my Archons Shadowfield managed an impressive  32 2++ saves, he held up 2 units in combat for over 4 turns!! He was still alive at the end too. That game ended in a Draw.

The second I remember even less of. I again think it was a draw. Malcolm if your reading, please correct me.

Totals - 3 Wins, 2 Draws.

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Bloody Daemons....

My Fantasy project at the moment is a Daemon army. I personaly think since the release of 8th they are actualy a very well balanced army. I am also using them in my LGCs Tail of Gamers league. The idea being we all started with 500 point forces and build and paint them up over the course of time, completeing a 250pts a month quota. You gain points for winning games and meeting your painting quota.

Anyhow December is 1750... and me being me.... Ive yet to paint anything, or even settle on a theme. Couple this with the fact that Daemons are 'balanced' means Im far far down the league.

I did however settle on a list last night, and paint my a base. First the base.

Im trying to get the image that the ground is shattered and broken, and blood is oozing from the rocks. The majority of the army will be Khornate, and I also think this idea could work for tzeech and slaanesh too. Nurgle I dont plan on using, but I could always use green instead if I do. Or paint the Nurles in a more fleshy tone.
Now the flash has made that blood a bit brighter, it actualy looks more like

Thoughts on those? Too bright a red? Thats a 50mm base btw.

Anyhow now the list.  Im planning this for the next step of the comp, thats 2000 points.

[500]Bloodthirster - (Gen), Obsidain Armour

[240]Herald of Tzeentch - (BSB) Spell breaker, Master of Sorcery, Great Standard of Sundering
[115]Herald of Khorne - Armour of Khorne

[306]23 Bloodletters - FC
[429]29 Horrors - FC, Changeling, Icon of Sorcery

[260]3 Bloodcrushers - FC
[140]4 Flamers of Tzeentch

Thoughts on that? Anyideas what lore to pick for the HoT too?  I always pick life and its getting old.

Sunday, December 05, 2010

4th Realspace Raid - 1800pts

Playing another good 40K player at my local gaming club today, and all I know is its an 1800 point game. Against what... who knows? Hes a few army's, but there all MEQs, so I have a good idea of what may be coming my way.
The current state of my 'army'. Its gonna take a while but I will get there!

Here's the list I'll be using.

Saturday, December 04, 2010

Realspace Raid 3 - 2000pts Daemon Hunters

Para sailing  Grey Knight Terminators, its the future!

So, because RR2 finished early I got a chance to play a mates force. Using the list from RR2, I dropped the Archon and Raider, and added Vect with his Dais and increased the Incubi to 9. I also added another 6 Reavers. This was mostly for trying stuff out, and unfortunately I was having too much fun and didn't take any notes. I'll try and summarise what happened though.

Thursday, December 02, 2010

Realspace Raid 2 - the results

At the weekend I managed to get a game Vs a Chaos Marine player.


He brought
Chaos Sorc - Warptime, Wind of chaos
9 Marines - Flamer, Rhino
10 Marines - 2 meltas, Powerfist, Rhino
10 Marines - Flamer, Plasma, Rhino
10 Marines - 2 Plasma
Predator - 2 TL LC
5 Havocs - 2 Heavy Bolters
5 Havocs - 2 Heavy Bolters